The flyer of the society in the pdf-form:Goals
Main activities
TRIBOLOGIA - Finnish Journal of Tribology - is a journal published by the society, which contains of articles written in English, Finnish and Swedish. The Editor-in-Chief is D.Sc. Vuokko Heino, Editor D.Sc. Kati Valtonen and editorial assistant D.Sc. Janne Juoksukangas.
International conferences
Seminars, theme days, excursions
Reward recognition
International Cooperation
25 Years of the The Finnish Society for Tribology
The Finnish Society for Tribology was founded on the 31st of August,
1977 in a meeting that took place in Otaniemi, Espoo at the Metallurgy
& Mining Department of Helsinki University of Technology. There
were 20 pioneers of finnish tribology present. In that meeting the
rules for the society were agreed. For the official name of the society
was chosen Suomen Tribologiayhdistys ry (The Finnish Society for
Tribology). The announcement to society register was passed over in
September and the members of the first board were Kauko Aho (chairman),
Heikki Sundquist (Ass. chairman), Liisa Muurinen (Secr.), Kenneth
Holmberg (Treasurer), Veikko Heikkinen (Member), Martti Kurkinen
(Member) and Eino Piirilä (member).
The first active years included seminars and theme days as
they are relevant at moment. The growth of the member amount reflects
good the clear need for the society. The members represent various
fields in tribology: researchers, teachers and especially those who
apply tribological know-how in their daily work.
The name of the society has remained unchanged through the
years. Yet the official translation in english (The Finnish Society for
Tribology) and in swedish have been included (Finlands
The official postal address and center of the activities of
the society has always followed the present chairman. During 25 years
as chairman has actedt Prof. Kauko Aho (1977 - 87), Prof. Matti
Kleimola (1988 - 1992), MSc Peter Andersson (1993 -96), MSc Jorma
Niskala (1997 - 1999), PhD Arto Lehtovaara (2000 - 2003) and Licentiate
Pekka Salonen (2004 -). As Assistant Chairman have performed PhD Heikki
Sundquist (1977 - 78 ja 1980 - 85), PhD Heikki Kleemola (1979), PhD
Kenneth Holmberg (1986 - 92), Licentiate Jouko Perttula (1993 - 94),
MSc Jorma Niskala (1995 - 1996), Licentiate Jari Juhanko (1997 - 98),
PhD Arto Lehtovaara (1999) and PhD Tiina Ahlroos (2000 -).
Each society needs a active and hard-working secretary. Such
have been Liisa Muurinen (1977 - 78), Marjut Ruotsalainen (1979), Hannu
Tarvainen (1980 - 82), PhD Arto Lehtovaara (1983 - 86), MSc Juhani
Valli (1987 - 89), Licentiate Mika Salonen (1992 - 93), Licentiate
Pekka Salonen (1990 - 91 ja 1994 - 2003) and MSc Carl-Erik Sandström
(2004 -). The treasurer's post have been held by PhD Kenneth Holmberg
(1977 - 84), Licentiate Erkki Kuusisto (1985 - 89), MSc Matti Kytö
(1990 - 1993), MSc Jarmo Vihersalo (1994 - 96), MSc Topi Volkov (1997 -
99), PhD Juha Miettinen (2000 -2003) and MSc Jaakko Kleemola (2004 -).
The most important and outwards most visible activity in our
society is the journal 'Tribologia' -The Finnish Journal of Tribology.
It is published four times a year. The journal was created in 1982,
when there were exceptionally only two issues. The editor-in-chief is
PhD Jyrki Tervo (1999 - ). In prior to him the former editors-in-chief
were MSc Ilkka Nieminen (1988 - 98), PhD Heikki Sundquist (1982 - 83),
MSc Seppo Mikkonen (1983 - 85) and MSc Ulla Mäkelä (1986 - 87).
The editors of the journal during its publishing have been:
Liisa Muurinen (1982), Kirsi Merikunnas (1983), Irina Granfors (1984),
Maritta Ojala (1985 - 88) and Erja Mörsky since 1988.
The layout of the journal was B5-sized until 1996 and it
focused on domestic readers. Beginning of 1997 the journal layout was
reformed to A4 and more colourful. At the same time it was changed
towards international readers. In addition to that the editorial board
was broadened to Scandinavic scale, which enlarged the scientific
The Finnish Society for Tribology has been a member of the
International Tribology Council (ITC) since 1977 and Prof. Kauko Aho
has also acted as the Vice President as well as PhD Kenneth Holmberg
currently is a Vice President of the ITC.
The Finnish Society for Tribology has actively been involved
in international tribology family by acting as a the head organizer or
co-organizer in 'NORDTRIB 2000' (134 participants), in 'NORDTRIB'92'
(120 participants), in 'EUROTRIB'89' (450 participants), in
'NORDTRIB'84' (105 participants) and in 'NORDTRIB 2000' (135
participants). Some our members have also contributed to the
arrangements of NORDTRIB' conference series in Nordic countries Sweden,
Norway and Denmark.
The Finnish Society for Tribology has five honorary members:
Prof. Kauko Aho, B.Sc. Martti Kurkinen, PhD Heikki Sundquist, Prof.
Matti Kleimola and PhD Kenneth Holmberg.
The active members of our society participate frquently both
the national and international tribology occasions. An excellent
example has been the 'The World Tribology Congress (WTC)' conferences,
where our society has had its own stand. The stand has been developed
and supervised by our members on conference.